Age 9 to 12

‘The Tall Ships’ by Lucy Mitten, Age 10 Years

The Tall Ships

The sea was gleaming at me,
As I swam past the reflections of fireworks,
Everyone was blissfully happy.

I found it peaceful swimming among the long lost boats.
The wonderful smell of fish and chips!
I saw a majestic boat towering above me.

I jumped as a bit of seaweed got caught up on my foot!
I saw the steps to get out; I lifted my feet up to get out.
“Goodbye Tall Ships”

By Lucy Mitten

Age 6 to 8

‘The Tall Ships’ by Aimee Burley, Age 8 Years

The Tall Ships

Feel the breeze, smell the salty seaweed.

Listen to the dogs wailing because the tall ships are sailing,

Watch the golden beaked seagulls fly over the glistening blue sea.

Mermaids tails the size of whales.

The tall ships tantalizing, tickling like the deep dark sea.

I dive into the salty blue sea like a dolphin.

By Aimee Burley